You Will Never Have A Sleepless Night Again, With This Natural Remedy

You Will Never Have A Sleepless Night Again, With This Natural Remedy

You constantly eat unhealthy foods due to stress, and you lack the free time necessary to go to the gym. Not to mention the restless nights that followed. Numerous studies have shown that insomnia has a negative impact on daily life and that many people struggle with it.

Put your life in order and make an effort to get enough sleep because your body needs quality sleep and proper detoxification more than anything else.

With a little help from nature, we can at least assist you with the detoxification process. Make this distinctive green juice with its six healthy ingredients.


Natural Insomnia Remedy Recipe:


  • 1 Cucumber
  • Ginger (medium sized piece)
  • Lemon juice (use 1 lemon)
  • 1 Green apple (do perhaps not peel it)
  • Asparagus (9 pieces)
  • 2 Celery stalks



Leave the asparagus in a cold water for an hour. Cut the cucumber, lemon and apple into slices and blend fruit, celery and ginger together.

Add the asparagus pieces, without using the water they were soaked in. Blend again.
This drink will flake out you, therefore it is most useful if you prepare and consume it right after your lunch.

The veggies will allow you to sleep better, due to their positive effect on the most typical causes of insomnia — indigestion, high blood pressure and stress.


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