What The Color Of Your Urine And Frequent Urination Can Tell You About Your Health?


What The Color Of Your Urine And Frequent Urination Can Tell You About Your Health?

The color, thickness, and smell of human pee can reveal a lot about your health. Pee is the body's loss in a fluid structure composed primarily of water, salt, and synthetic compounds known as uric acid and urea. It is produced by the kidneys when they filter poisons and other harmful substances from the blood. Additionally, foods, medications, and diseases can all influence the color of the urine.

Urine Color Meaning

Here are urine color meaning and what they could indicate.

Completely Clear Urine 

If your urine is completely clear, it can mean that you’re drinking too much water. Basically putting too much pressure on your kidneys to filter through all of the water. Remember that water toxicity from drinking too much water is a possible, but very rare.


Light Yellow Urine 

Ideally, your urine should be light yellow or the color of straw. This means that your kidneys are doing their job as they should, and your diet is as close to healthy as it can be.


Dark Yellow to Orange Urine 

Dark yellow urine, orange urine, and dark orange urine can mean that you’re dehydrated, or that your kidneys are working too hard to process too many toxins. See your doctor and adapt your diet.


Dark Brown Urine

Dark brown urine can sometimes be a sign of medication causing it, or a sign that you are severely dehydrated. Antibiotics are the most common cause of dark brown color in urine. See your doctor if it’s a recurring symptom, as dark brown urine can be a sign of liver disease.


Pink or Red Urine 

Red or pink urine can sometimes mean that you’ve had too much beetroot, or it can be some type of medication that cause discoloration. Red urine might refer to an infection such as a urinary tract infection (UTI). It can also refer to the presence of blood in the urine, however slight, and means that you should make an appointment with your doctor sooner rather than later.


 Black Urine

Black-colored urine is rare, but can sometimes be caused by:

  • certain dyes
  • medications
  • particularly iron injections

Seeing black pee color can also indicate a very severe infection, as can green or purple urine. If you have black urine, call your doctor immediately.


Blue or Green Urine

Although blue or green urine is rare, it is most often connected with food dye (methylene blue) and medications. Medications that can cause this abnormal urine color include:

  • Cimetidine (Tagamet)
  • Amitriptyline
  • Indomethacin (Indocin)
  • Promethazine (Phenergan)
  • Vitamin B Supplements

Other causes of blue or green urine include medical procedures and medical conditions. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterial infection, as well as dyes used in medical tests performed on your kidneys or bladder, can turn your urine blue or green.


Foamy, Fizzy, or Cloudy Urine

If you have excessive bubbles or cloudy urine, this may suggest protein in the urine. Contact a urologist immediately, as this may be an early sign of kidney disease. A urology specialist will perform a urinalysis to check for protein in the urine sample. Other serious health conditions that accompany cloudy urine with foam or bubbles include Crohn's Disease and diverticulitis.


Urine Color Chart

Urine Color Chart

What Color Is Urine When Your Kidneys Are Failing?

The color of your urine can provide many clues as to what is going on with your body, including kidney failure. When your kidneys are failing, a high concentration and accumulation of substances lead to brown, red, or purple urine. Studies suggest the urine color is due to abnormal protein or sugar as well as high numbers of cellular casts and red and white blood cells.

Urine may appear dark brown in color in kidney failure due to the buildup of waste products in urine. Is your urine foamy or fizzy? This can also be a sign of kidney failure. Foamy urine is a sign of increased protein in urine and indicates a diminishing ability of the kidney to filter and clean the blood.


Is It Normal to Have Dark Urine During Pregnancy?

Although staying hydrated is important for everyone, it is even more so important for women who are pregnant to drink more water than they did pre-pregnancy. Women who are pregnant need more water to form amniotic fluid, build new tissue, help indigestion, carry nutrients, produce extra blood volume and flush out wastes and toxins.

While dark urine during pregnancy is typically nothing you should have to worry about, it is still something you should mention at your next doctor's visit. To clear up dark urine during pregnancy, we recommend drinking 10 or more glasses of water per day.

If you are experiencing burning or pain in conjunction with darker urine, this could be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). If left untreated, a UTI can lead to kidney infection and can have serious consequences during pregnancy. Therefore, you will want to seek immediate treatment if you suspect you have a UTI to avoid further risks and complications.

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