Your Face Can Tell A Lot About Your Health


Your Face Can Tell A Lot About Your Health

The type of medical conditions someone may have cannot be determined simply by looking at their face, but with just a little knowledge, you can become an expert at reading faces and identifying health issues from the person's face. Let's look at a few of the things your face might be communicating about your health for informational purposes.


6 health problems your face is trying to tell you about:

1. Condition: Yellow patches on the face area, especially around the eyes, nose and mouth

Cause: High cholesterol

Details: High cholesterol is a big problem in the United States and Great Britain. Yellowing skin can be a sign that the cholesterol is excessive, particularly if the yellowing is around the mouth, nose or eyes. The good news is, you can use a skin peel to eradicate the yellowing rather easily. Reducing your cholesterol to solve the problem permanently may prove harder.


2. Condition: Pale Skin

Cause: Iron shortage in the body

Details: A lot of people suffer with this particular illness, affecting over one-and-a-half billion people, which is higher than a 1/5 of the entire world population. You can often tell by the observable symptoms, which include the aforementioned pale skin and often, sufferers will have dark circles under the eyes. The main reason the skin is pale is that inadequate blood is getting to it. How do you solve it? Easy. Eat noticeably more red meat.


3. Condition: Cracks on the mouth, at the corners

Cause: Perhaps not enough dairy

Details: When you don’t get enough dairy you suffer a condition called angular stomatitis. Dairy products and services give you B vitamins and specially B2 and B3. Since these have anti-inflammatory properties, they could cause cracking of the lips at the corners or even enough of the vitamin is present. In the event that you can’t get enough from a healthy diet (that includes leafy veggies) then you may possibly have to have a multivitamin or a B-complex vitamin.


4. Condition: Acne Present on the Chin

Cause: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Details: It is a problem for women and it happens because of some of the hormones that get released, specially around that time of the month. Testosterone is one of the hormones that will cause chin acne as well as progesterone. Breakouts vary in severity and if you are having major breakouts you ought to see your doctor for treatment.


5. Condition: Spider Veins

Cause: Extortionate Red Wine

Details: If you have been hitting that (wine) bottle a little too hard see your face will sooner or later show it. While the skin gets flushed when drinking wine, the blood vessels usually recover quite easily. But when the drinking is extortionate over a period of 1-2 years, the blood vessels lose their color tone and you will end up with spider veins.


6. Condition: Sagging, Deep Wrinkles

Cause: Smoking

Details: Smoking doesn’t just wreak havoc in your lungs and throat, it also can effect cosmetic changes plus one of those is deep wrinkles, age lines and sagging. That’s because smoking cigarettes reduces the collagen and elastin which gives skin a nice, plump look. As is the case with the previous condition, the solution is obvious. Stop smoking right away to curtail further damage.

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