You Can Lose Up To 3 Pound In 1 Week Following Banting Meal Plan

You Can Lose Up To 3 Pound In 1 Week Following Banting Meal Plan

The Banting diet is a fantastic technique to lose weight. You can shed three extra pounds per week without compromising your health thanks to it. The late 19th century saw the invention of this diet by British industrialist William Banting. He began gaining weight around the time he turned 60.

He received no benefit from his treatments, including salt baths, air procedures, or changing his diet. So he created his own diet strategy and shed 60 pounds using it.

This diet is comparable to the paleo diet, but dairy products are permitted. The diet aims to hasten fat burning in order to produce energy. You may see a healthy diet menu for 7 days, which consists of 4 meals, below.

To lose 3 pounds, you should follow this 7 day menu:

Day 1

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of ham and half an avocado
Lunch: salad of broccoli, cauliflower, and tomatoes
Snack: tuna salad and green vegetables
Dinner: baked chicken breast with asparagus and lemon

Day 2

Breakfast: greek yogurt, granola with hazelnuts
Lunch: whole wheat sandwich with beans, ham and boiled egg.
Snack: a slice of low-fat cheese, carrots
Dinner: salmon baked with lemon and broccoli

Day 3

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 1 apple
Lunch: mushroom soup
Snack: walnuts and blueberries
Dinner: a turkey steak, vegetable salad

Day 4

Breakfast: an omelette of tomatoes and greens
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, baked mushrooms
Snack: a cup of strawberries
Dinner: a chicken steak with basil and garlic

Day 5

Breakfast: toast with cheese and tomato
Lunch: seafood soup
Snack: 1 boiled egg
Dinner: a caesar salad with low-calorie dressing

Day 6

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with broccoli and mushrooms
Lunch: broccoli soup
Snack: a handful of almonds
Dinner: salad with tuna, eggs, and greens

Day 7

Breakfast: 1 slice of bacon, beans, and greens
Lunch: whole wheat sandwich with chicken, tomato, and lettuce salad
Snack: spinach smoothie
Dinner: a baked salmon with lemon

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