Try This Old And Simple Japanese Mask, And You Will Have A Perfect Skin!

Try This Old And Simple Japanese Mask, And You Will Have A Perfect Skin!

Perchance You won't believe it, but rice may be the longest-used beauty component used by Japanese ladies.

The power of rice comes from the large amounts of linoleic acid and squalene it contains, two antioxidants that can stimulate the creation of collagen, which is responsible for eradicating wrinkles and shielding skin from UV radiation.

E vitamins and gamma oriznol, which decrease cholesterol and protect the heart, are abundant in rice.

Rice will do miracles for your skin!

All you’ve got to do is to test this old and simple Japanese mask, and you may have a perfect skin!

Needed Ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of rice
  • 1 tablespoon of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of honey



First, you should cook the rice and drain in the exact same water. Put the milk into the dish with rice you can add the honey and make sure to mix well. Apply the mask on a dry face and leave it for a while to behave. Then, wash see your face with the water the rice was cooked in.

Rice water has powerful antioxidant properties. It may hydrate the skin and stimulate blood flow, ergo reducing inflammation and helping with removing wrinkles.

In order to have the best results, you should utilize the mask one a week. You will be taken aback when you look at yourself in the mirror! A new, younger you!


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