Learn How To Influence Your Brain To Stop Constantly Worrying

Learn How To Influence Your Brain To Stop Constantly Worrying

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 18% of American adults have an anxiety disorder, which is defined by excessive tension or concern that results in various bodily symptoms.

We have 'two' brains; did you know that?

We now have two brains in terms of cognition: the "thinking" brain and the "nonthinking" brain.


Our brains are wired to worry first and think 2nd.

Joseph LeDoux, a brain scientist claims that connections from the cognitive system to the emotional systems are weaker than connections from the emotional systems to the cognitive systems.

Dr. LeDoux is talking about the limbic system that features hippocampus and amygdala, and is the oldest within the brain. It’s a set of structures deep within the breath that evokes the emotional response.

The prefrontal cortex (PFC), the thinking element of our brain could be the newest. Because of this we sometimes make dumb decisions though we’re intelligent creatures.

The worrying brain will overrule the thinking brain every time if we don’t know to override it.

And make no mistake, it is crucial to understand how to overrule the worrying brain.

Due to the fast-paced, 24/7, “always on” society made for us, we’re overrun by stimulation. Stimulation, regardless if it’s positive or negative, activates the brain’s fight-or-flight (FoF) response.

Overstimulation plus overwhelm equals bad decisions.

Overriding the limbic system

If we would be able to see inside of our brain when our eyes meet some object of our delight (clothes, shoes, an attractive woman, a handsome man), you would view a massive amount of electrical activity firing from the limbic system to your cortex.

Your emotional brain is telling your thinking brain how to proceed.

Well, there are some good and some bad news. The good news is that you can override the tendency of one’s limbic system to let emotions get a handle on your life. The bad news is that it takes effort and time!

Be consistent and you will obtain amazing results.

Sign up for a piece of paper and pen and write three benefits you are able to thank of if emotions didn’t get a grip on your life. Take 2-3 minutes and ensure maybe not to move until you’ve written down these benefits.

I wrote mine as well:

  • Be less stressed
  • Save your self more money
  • Be more productive

It is very important to keep the list somewhere you can observe it. When things get tough, this may serve as a fantastic motivator.
How to stop worrying so much

Our main goal is always to reverse the default pathway of your brain from the limbic system to the cortex. In other words, we’re trying to get your brain’s cortex telling the limbic system what direction to go.


These 5 steps will help to override your limbic system.

They might require delving into your thinking. Write your thoughts in some recoverable format so you can remember the five steps and supply context to fleeting thoughts. So, check always them out:

1. Examine your irrational beliefs

Some illogical beliefs can lead us to see a threat in cases where no threat exists. To retreat your worries, make sure to find a more realistic balance betwixt your ideal and your actual self.

2. Discover ways to talk your way throughout your feelings

Substitute your negative way of thinking with more neutral or positive thoughts. In cognitive-behavioral therapy, customers learn to counter their illogical thoughts with more clear-headed evaluation.

3. Set your feelings aside whenever you make essential decisions

Most people easily get swayed by emotional arguments. It is very important to separate your lives logic from emotion in order to make fair and reasoned choices!

4. Get support from somebody who can help you

It’s known that our emotions react quickly to certain experiences and we can’t rein in those feelings. Because of this, sponsors ware extremely crucial for programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous.

The other person serves as your “cortex” since you are under the influence of an addition that is controlling your limbic system.

5. Build confidence in your self-control

People can effortlessly get a handle on their problematic behaviors once they build confidence in their self-control. Make sure to gain strength from good decisions, conquer your worries and control your impulses.

With time, you’ll find that those impulses do perhaps not have domination over you anymore!

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