Learn How To Detox Through Your Feet


Learn How To Detox Through Your Feet

You are aware that there are many different body detoxification techniques available. Whether it's a fruit and vegetable detox or a juice cleanse, the main objective of these methods is to rid the body of unwelcome toxins that are harmful to your health.

Did you know that your feet can help you cleanse your body? In fact, this method works quite well and lets you detox without having to start a strict diet. Friends of Diply, let's take a look.


The body is constantly inundated with a whole host of toxins.

 These unwanted toxins can interfere with proper hormonal and brain function — along with the immune system. Detoxing the body is a popular practice, and while it’s not the most popular method, detoxing through the feet may be the most effective.

Foot Detox Pads

You can buy the foot detox pads at any health food store. You should apply them before you go to sleep and remove them when you wake up. If the detox pads become dark, it means that your body is free of toxins.

Ionic Foot Bath

By using ionic foot baths, you can detoxify the body by extracting toxins from your feet. It is based on electrolysis, a method of using an electrical current to create a chemical reaction. The warm water is used to open the pores, while salt acts as an anti-inflammatory astringent. Then, ions are absorbed and the detoxification of your feet is conducted. The salt water becomes dark. Moreover, you can perform these baths on the whole body. We present you several ways:


Salt Detox Bath Recipe


  • 1 cup of Epsom salt
  • 1 cup of sea salt
  • 2 cups of baking soda
  • essential oils (optional)


Take a boiling water in a quart size jar and let all the ingredients dissolve. Then, fill the tube with warm water and add apple cider vinegar. Next, add the salt mixture in and add essential oils. You should soak for about 30 minutes. You may experience weakness and exhaustion after the bath. It will soothe skin irritation, detox the body, and increase magnesium levels.


2. Oxygen Detox Bath


  • Dried ginger powder – 1 tbsp
  • Hydrogen peroxide – 2 cups


Add the dried ginger powder and hydrogen peroxide to a tub full of hot water. Relax your body in the tub for 30 minutes. This bath can help you with allergies or irritations and at the same time will make your skin smooth and flawless.


3. Clay Detox Bath


  • Essential oils (depending on your taste)
  • Bentonite clay – 1/2 cup
  • Epsom salt – 1/2 cup


First, dissolve the Epsom salt in a hot bath and add essential oils if desired. Then, mix the clay into a small amount of water until the clumps are mostly dissolved. Avoid using metal. Then, add the clay to the bath and soak for at least 20 minutes. This amazing bath will remove toxins and boost the magnesium levels.

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