7 Signs Of A Vitamin D Deficiency

7 Signs Of A Vitamin D Deficiency

For the human body to operate properly, vitamin D is crucial. This essential element can cause serious health issues even in the smallest amounts. This fat-soluble vitamin's ability to enhance calcium absorption, which enables healthy bone growth and development, is one of its main functions.

Additionally, vitamin D is crucial for maintaining a robust immune system and reducing the risk of cancer. All things considered, vitamin D is equally as essential to maintaining healthy body functions as the other vitamins.

Vitamin D is involved in both the prevention of diseases and the treatment of some of their symptoms.

Brittle bones are one of the earliest signs of vitamin D insufficiency. Young people with growing bones are more susceptible to this issue than older individuals. This condition will inevitably lead to additional bone-related health problems, such as skeletal deformities and fragile bones that raise the risk of fractures.

Human bones are not the only organs affected by vitamin D deficiency. According to certain research, this vitamin can lower blood pressure, lower the risk of diabetes, and prevent multiple sclerosis. 


We list you the 7 most propelling symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

1. Muscle Pain

Vitamin D deficiency often results in muscle pain and weakness varying from mild to severe. and which can only aggravate as the deficiency progresses.  The main factor that leads to this problem is the involvement of vitamin D in muscle contraction and movement, which become slower and weaker without the necessary fuel.


2. Immunity Crash Down

Vitamin D deficiency strongly reflects on the immune system, hindering its proper function. This vitamin provides the fuel for the white blood cells which are responsible for fighting certain disease, and even a small drop of its levels can result in serious immunity problems.

The findings of one Japanese study that followed the immune system of two groups of schoolchildren (where one group was taking vitamin D supplementation, and the other group wasn’t) suggest that lack of vitamin D can result in increased chances of catching influenza.

Another study revealed that vitamin D deficiency is a common problem among patients with autoimmune disease.


3. Increased Blood Pressure

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to increased blood pressure, or hypertension. The reason for this hides in vitamin D’s involvement in suppressing the activity of a peptide that causes arterial restriction and water retention.


4. Mood Swings

One of the reasons for sudden mood swings and depression in low levels of vitamin D3. Some studies suggest that there might be a close link between vitamin D deficiency and the seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This mood disorder is characterised with depression in people with normal mental health usually in the winter, and there are strong evidence that it might be linked with lack of sunlight.

This results with a sudden drop of vitamin D3, leading to changes in the levels of brain serotonin. The problem can be remedied with proper vitamin D supplementation.

In fact, the same study offered this treatment to people suffering from SAD, and the results were astonishing. Not only was their mood greatly improved, but it eliminated other symptoms like lethargy and sleep problems, improving their cognitive abilities as well.


5. Digestive Problems

Another symptom of vitamin D deficiency is the development of gastrointestinal problems. People lacking vitamin D are susceptible to celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, and other gastrointestinal problems.

These symptoms are also found in people with increased levels of body fat, because fat reduces the effect of vitamin D in our body.


6. Chronic Sweating

Sweating, especially when occurring in the forehead area, is another serious indicator that you may be suffering from vitamin D deficiency. The relation between excessive sweating and lack of vitamin D has not been fully clarified, it’s more than certain that they are somehow connected.


7. Heart Problems

Heart problems and vitamin D deficiency go hand in hand. One of the reasons for this is that lack vitamin D leads to increased presence of calcium in the arteries, which creates clogs inside them, resulting in hear failure and stroke.

Other common problems associated with vitamin D deficiency are: type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity.


Incorporating More Vitamin D

Recognizing the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is important for maintaining the proper balance of this micronutrient in your body.

Vitamin D is found in many supplements that will provide you with a readily available doses. However, the best source is direct sunlight exposure.

It is also found in fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna and eel), beef liver, certain mushrooms, egg yolk, and in fortified milk, cereals and orange juice.

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