6 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Quit Sugar


6 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Quit Sugar

Illnesses caused by sugar are increasing. A few of the significant chronic ailments linked to excessive consumption of the sweet white poison include diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and dementia. The personal experiences of individuals might occasionally be more convincing than murky scientific facts. So here's a tale of a woman whose life improved once she stopped eating sugar.


Hashimoto's disease, an auto-immune thyroid disorder (I just talked about many thyroid disorders), is what Sarah Wilson has. In January 2011, she made the decision to give up sugar as part of her proactive treatment plan.


After eliminating the sweet stuff from her diet, Sarah experienced a number of health improvements, some connected to her chronic condition and others of a more general type.


1. Better managed auto-immune condition

Many people decide to finally adjust their diets when illness strikes. For Sarah, a somewhat little tweak in her diet resulted in some dramatic changes. She went from the maximum dosage of thyroid medication thyroxin to the minimal dosage. Her hormones are now within normal ranges and she has zero thyroid antibodies. That alone was worth the effort!

The reason why omitting sugar from your diet can have such wonderful results is not very complicated. White sugar is an acidic-forming food and it pushes the body into a state of chronic low-grade inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the source of many diseases and conditions, such as cancer, heart problems and obesity.


2. Skin appearance

One of the first things Sarah rejoiced about was her skin. After only 2 weeks of being sugar-free, her skin softened and became less puffy and wrinkly.

Sugar influences the aging process by reacting with proteins and making the collagen and elastin structures less stretchy and durable.


3. No more food cravings

Quitting sugar stopped the annoying food cravings caused by sugar crashes. Sarah noticed that after 5 weeks of her new diet the desire for guilty pleasures went away, and by week 6, she was eating 3 times a day and was in control of her meals. She calls this ‘food freedom’.

This doesn’t mean you can’t have any desserts.


4. Weight loss

When Sarah’s hormones were balanced and her cravings under control, she rapidly started losing pounds that she couldn’t shed before. Within 6 months, she was able to lose 30 pounds (13.5 kilos) of excess weight. And the changes were long lasting; no more yo-yoing.


5. End to constant mood swings

Mood swings, too, can often be a result of imbalanced hormones. So it comes as no surprise that Sarah started experiencing a more stable mood pattern. Before, she was battling insomnia, anxiety and depression and had little success with medication therapy. After cutting on sugar and welcoming healthy fats, proteins and veggies, she not only felt more balanced in herself, but also experienced a boost in her energy levels.


6. Better Oral Health

Saying goodbye to excessive sugar consumption can significantly benefit your oral health. Sugar is a primary contributor to tooth decay, as it fuels the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth. By reducing sugar intake, you minimize the risk of cavities and gum disease. Moreover, your breath may improve as a result of fewer bacteria thriving in the oral cavity.


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