5 Flours You Can Use to Replace Wheat

5 Flours You Can Use to Replace Wheat

You probably think of wheat flour first when someone mentions flour.

In reality, flour is simply a powder made by finely grinding another substance. From any type of grain, root, seed, or bean, flour can be made.

Speaking from a Paleo standpoint, coconut flour (ground coconut) and almond flour (ground almonds) are the two most popular varieties of flour.

You can have both of them in your kitchen, but you may choose one over the other because each is considered to have benefits and drawbacks.

We have some more flour options:

1. Coconut Flour

When compared with almond flour, coconut flour is full of fiber (10 grams vs. 3 grams from a ¼ cup), and it is much more absorbent. Coconut floor contains ground up coconut meat following a pressing process for coconut milk.

If you decide to make use of this flour in cooking, it is recommended to use little amounts of it, and it’s also preferable to be combined with eggs. Coconut flour is rich in inulin fiber, so it is great at absorbing the liquid.

With its sweet flavor, you can use coconut flour for preparing cakes, muffins, brownies, pizza crust, and so forth Its texture is just a bit dry for baking, so it may also be used as a coating in recipes like chicken fingers.

2. Almond Flour

Almond flour is made from ground up blanched almonds and is known as the paleo flour with the most useful taste. It could be used in recipes like waffles, muffins, cakes, and any kind of baked goods. Compared to coconut oil, almonds are lower in carbohydrates and richer in proteins.

Moreover, they have a rich content of omega-6. 1 almond is made from 1. 1 gallons of water, and most almonds in the usa have an origin from California, which we know that is currently in a drоught.

3. Chestnut Flour

Chestnut flour resembles almond flour, however it has a stronger, nutty taste. Considering the fact that chestnuts are tree nuts, they have less fat and a starchier composition. They can be consumed raw, boiled, baked, or even roasted over an open fire.

They have 47mg/100g of phytic acid, when compared with 760mg/100g in walnuts and 1, 280mg/100g in almonds. Only 100 grams of chestnuts contain 43% vitamin C, 17% potassium, 25% copper, 25% B6, and 59% manganese. More over, they are low in carbohydrates, 53 grams of carbs in 100, 5 of which are coming from fiber.

4. Tigernut Flour

In the event that you did not know, tigernuts are a root vegetable. Tigernut flour features a pleasant taste, a 1: 1 replacement ratio to wheat flour and it won’t have a strange aftertaste like some gluten-free flours.

You can use tigernut milk on a daily basis, tigernut flour for baked goods or prepare raw tigernuts by soaking them over night in water. 1 ounce of tigernuts has 19 grams of carbs and 10 grams of fiber. Furthermore, they truly are abundant with monounsaturated fats.

5. Cassava Flour

Cassava, often referred to as Yuca is a root vegetable used by many people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The bleached and extracted cassava root starch contains the fiber. Often, this flour is employed for preparing tapioca pudding.

This flour has a smooth, neutral taste and the same texture to wheat flour and it is utilized in the same proportions as wheat flour, with the exception of yeast-based recipes. It may be also used for baked goods while its root can be fried, boiled, or mashed, just like potatoes.

Even though it can be consumed when it comes to an autoimmune paleo diet, you should know this flour is richer in carbs, 78 grams per cup and 4 grams of fibre.

Also, we should mention that in the event that you are buying it from a grocery store, it is crucial to boil the basis because it can lead to cyanide poisoning. The sweet variety is known to have less hydrogen cyanide compared to bitter varieties.

Note: There are some those who may possibly be allergic for this plant. The American Cancer Society claims that people with a latex rubber allergy are more likely to be vulnerable to this allergy aswell.


Source: foodmatters.tv

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