The Best Tea For You, According To Your Blood Type


The Best Tea For You, According To Your Blood Type

Each blood type has a specific story attached to it. For instance, did you know that Blood O is the oldest blood type still in use today? It dates from the hunter-gatherer period of human history. The blood type A emerged 15,000 years ago when humans switched from hunting to farming. We developed blood type B because dairy products are now widely consumed as food. The most recent blood type, blood type AB, is a combination of blood types A and B.


Due to the uniqueness of each blood type, there are certain foods which are suitable for specific blood types. Similarly, our homemade tea should be different for each blood type. Here are the kinds of tea that each blood type should have:


Blood Type O people should steer clear from gluten or dairy-based products. That’s because they tend to get a lot of stomach acid. Sticking to a healthy diet is best for them. Parsley, ginger, mint, dandelion, hip, hops, rose and green tea are best for them.



Blood Type A people are generally emotional and hence, they can become stressed easily. Hence, stimulants like caffeine found in coffee are not the greatest thing for you to consume. Also, you should have lots of vegetables and fruits paired with meditation and yoga to keep your destressed. Go for herbal teas for your emotional well-being. Thyme, jasmine, green, yarrow and marigold teas are ideal for you. If you want, hawthorn and ginger tea are fine to consume too.


Blood Type B generally has a problem related to their weights. They do not have the best metabolism and so, they tend to gain a lot more weight. This eventually results in many health-based problems along with psychological issues. All you need to do is boost your immune system in some way. Go for certain kinds of tea which are best for you: parsley, dandelion,birch leaves, mint and yarrow tea.


Being one of the most modern blood types, these people have some great traits. They have a strong sense of intuition. Even stress doesn’t seem to affect them much. Green tea is best for them. They can also go for: chamomile, nettle, peony, mint, pomegranate and ginger tea.

So, get the best kind of tea suitable for you!


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