Hitoshi Watanabe's "The Morning Banana Diet" introduced the morning banana diet, and it quickly gained popularity all over the world.
It is very easy and doesn't call for any special dietary adjustments; all you need to do is eat bananas in the morning and drink room temperature water.
Can it be this easy?
It appears that it can. Watanabe tried a variety of weight-loss methods, but none had the desired results. He eventually discovered the one that did with the help of his pharmacist wife Sumiko.The Morning Banana Diet was developed by the couple and has helped many people finally lose their extra weight.
A fresh banana and a glass of water should be consumed as soon as you wake up in the morning, and you shouldn't eat anything else until lunch.
Bananas are full of resistant starch which actively stimulates the weight loss process. It does not dissolve in the small intestine and goes directly into the large intestine where the fermentation process begins.
It is converted into short-chain fatty acids by bacteria, and thus feeds cells and improves the healthy function of the gastrointestinal tract.
You should eat as many bananas as you need to feel full, but Japanese avoid overloading the stomach and follow the rule of 80/20. This means that 8 parts of a full stomach go for the individual, and 2 parts go for the doctor, so they only eat 80% of the served meal.
Eat raw bananas only, and after the first one, wait for 20 minutes. If you feel hungry again, eat another one.
The consumption of warm water stimulates metabolism.
Watanabe suggests avoiding milk and alcohol during the diet regimen and recommends that the last meal is no later than 8 pm. Since sleep deprivation leads to weight loss, make sure you go to bed before midnight.
You can eat whatever you want for dinner and lunch, and between the meals, eat some fruit.
The effects of this regimen are due to the beneficial effects of bananas, as follows:
1. Bananas are rich in potassium, and fiber
2. They are full of nutrients which improve overall health in many ways, so are considered superfoods
3. They boost metabolism and keep you full
4. They are cheap way to lose weight
5. Bananas reduce food cravings
6. Bananas help you reduce cellulite
Additionally, this regimen will help you improve health, energize the body, limit alcohol intake, regulate blood sugar, and boost your metabolism. People who have tried it report amazing effects, so why don’t you give it a try?