What Is Candida Overgrowth And How To Deal With It

What Is Candida Overgrowth And How To Deal With It

Our bodies are not as complete and tidy as they appear. It is home to a large colony of fungi and bacteria on its surface and interior. Due to the fact that they are healthy bacteria and are present in the proper balance, you may not know much about them or they may not have an impact on you. However, if this equilibrium is suddenly thrown off, our body could suffer greatly.


Candida is a kind of yeast which lives in our intestines and body. It aids in food digestion. But if there is an imbalance, it can lead to a variety of problems, such as sadness or a "leaky gut," when it passes through the intestinal walls. It may occur after taking a round of antibiotics, after consuming excessive amounts of sugar or alcohol, or perhaps both.


Here are some of the symptoms:

1. Fungal Infections

If your finger and toenails start to grow yellow and get thickened, then it means that you have contracted a fungal infection. You might even develop athlete’s foot. It’s a sign of candida overgrowth.


2. Issues With Digestion

Candida is present in our digestive system, and so, if you are having issues with digestion, which includes, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, then, it could be an imbalance of candida again.


3. Problems on Skin

If you are having some kind of marks on the skin, start to check it properly. If it appears red, as in a rash, it could mean a problem with candida balance. It can cause hives or eczema too.


4. Problems With The Urinary System

One of the problems that occur when candida begins to grow in your system is urinary problems. It can cause urinary tract infection and therefore, result in painful passage of urine. Plus, it might even lead to itching.


5. Itching Ears or Allergies

If your ears and eyes are itching a lot, then it could be due to some allergy which has been caused by candida overgrowth. It can become much more severe too.


6. Depression and Mood swings

When your body is going through an imbalance, it will put a strain on your mental health. You will start to feel irritated and annoyed. Plus, you may grow a bit sluggish too. Maybe your craving for carbs will increase as candida loves sweet.


Treating Candida Overgrowth

So, if you are going through all these symptoms, what are you going to do to bring the balance back in your body:


1. Don’t Go For Carbs

Candida needs sugar to thrive, so the first step would be to cut down on sugar. Bread is made of yeast, so you have to stop going for bread. This will control the growth of candida in your body.


2. No More Sugar

Yeasts love sugar and so it will make you want to have more sugar. Control yourself. Stop eating sugar and go for fruits and veggies. They will be a delight.


3. Go For Caprylic Acid

Caprylic acids go through yeast and kill them. That’s the exact kind of thing that you would need for your body. So, try to put a bit of caprylic acid in your diet to counter candida growth.


4. Don’t Drink

Alcohol is full of sugar, yeasts, and carbs – the paradise for candida. Go for water instead of alcohol. Water can clean out the system.


5. Go To A Doctor

If you are really irritated and nothing helps, then go to the doctor. A test of your stool or blood can show the presence of candida in your body. Then, plan out the medication with your doctor.

Be safe and be healthy. Don’t break the balance of your body and you will have a great healthy life ahead.


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